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Products [Z & C Purlin]
Z Purlins - are most unique cold roll formed sections used to fix roof and
side claddings. The advantage of using Z purlins is unlimited-depth the thickness
option gives the designer the required freedom to design most economical purlin.
The higher Zxx value gives more stability in lateral direction and thus minimizes
saving. Designer can select different thickness z purlin with similar depth for
the same structure, which ensures overcall economy for the structure.
CEE Purlins - "CEE" Purlins can be used in place of Z purlins of conventional
hot rolled C channels or IS angels or tubes for fixing roof or side cladding. This
new time saving bridging system with a comprehensive range of accessories, available,
provides a complete, easily erected system. This system provides efficient light
weight, economical roofing and cladding supports for framed structures.